Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Fork in the Road

Too many people beat themselves up constantly over what they have eaten that day. And the day before. And last week. And last Thanksgiving. Leading a life of regrets is no fun and not mentally healthy. What is done is done – time to move on.

Treat each decision independently – it doesn’t matter what you did last time. Make the best choice available at that time. If the best choice at your business dinner is steak - enjoy it. Don’t worry that you had a burger for lunch. That being said, chances are that at noon you knew that dinner would be at a steak house; thinking ahead would have prompted you to choose the salad earlier.

Even at the steakhouse, wise decisions can be made. Order the ‘ladies’ portion. Skip the creamed spinach and enjoy the salad. Don’t get cheesecake for dessert but order the berries. Be careful of the calories in the beverages.

Make the better choice when shopping: buy the fat-free yogurt that is right next to the 2% variety. Planning ahead will help you make a better decision as to what to eat for breakfast. Choice the more distant parking space: your car is less likely to get dinged and the exercise is good for you (even if you have already been to the gym or will be doing later).

It doesn’t matter that you ate too much on vacation – eat less now. So what if you gained weight – it’s a new day and the weight will come off.

“When you come to a fork in the road …. Take it.” Yogi Berra

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