Monday, September 1, 2014

Fresh Corn

One of my favorite summer foods is fresh corn on the cob. I always get two ears per person: in my opinion that’s one serving and if by chance one ear is not so good there will still be a delicious ear to eat.

The fresher the better and a farmers' market is the ideal place to buy. Not only is the corn fresh but also it’s an opportunity to support local agriculture. I never spoil the corn by partially peeling the husk. Keeping the corn tightly sealed in the husk will keep it fresh. Once the husk is opened the farmer can no longer sell the ear. Choosing a good ear is simple: go for fat, firm and heavy. The process of sugar converting to starch is exothermic so if the corn is cool there will be plenty of sugar in the kernels.

Don’t remove the husk until the water is boiling. Peel the ear and remove the strings. Put the ears into the boiling water, cover tightly and turn off the heat. The corn will be perfectly cooked in 5 minutes and can be left in the closed pot for as much as 30 minutes without overcooking.

Buy corn the same day you plan to eat it. And while at the farmers’ market buy other local produce. Ask what it tasty – there might be something new to try.

The Farmers' Market Trail has year-round activities. 

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