Sunday, March 9, 2014

Spring Cleaning

The days are finally getting longer and the sun is brighter – time for spring cleaning! The first warms days are inviting enough to open the windows and get some fresh air into the house. It’s tempting to start a top to bottom, no holds barred project but you will have a better outcome if you choose realistic goals and focus on one thing at a time.

Look around the area in which you spend the most time. Is it the kitchen, bedroom or reading area? Start by taking some photos of the area – the clutter that you no longer see will be obvious in the photo. Get rid of the stuff you don’t use or love. Pretend that you are Martha Stewart and really get rid of the grime. (Martha’s website is an excellent resource). Deep vacuum and clean all surfaces non-toxic cleaners such as vinegar and baking soda. Mr. Clean magic eraser is another good option.

Another spring project is cleaning out the pantry. Check the expiration dates on the canned goods – don’t be surprised to see what went out of date in 2009. Are there purchases that were mistakes? If still good, donate them to the local food pantry.

Being surrounded by a mess is exhausting.  A clean, serene environment is good for mental health. One cannot separate mind from body: it’s easier to make wise health choices when surrounded by beauty. It’s the secret ingredient at the most posh spas.

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