Testicular cancer usually
affects men from age 20 to 39. Testicular cancer is uncommon: about 8,250 cases
were diagnosed in 2006, with about 370 deaths. This represents only 1 percent
of all cancer diagnoses. However, testicular cancer is the most common cancer
in men between the ages of 15 and 34.
Although common sense suggests
routine testicular cancer self-exams should catch it earlier, this has not been
definitively established. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force also does not
recommend testicular cancer self-exams. At the same time, there is no reason
that men should not do self-exams.
self-examination is when you (or someone else) check your testicles for any
abnormalities. It is important to know what feels normal and to be able to notice
any changes. Changes are not always cancer. If it is cancer and you catch it
early, you have the best chance for a cure. The best time to check is after a
bath or shower when the scrotum is relaxed.
Most testicular cancers are
discovered by the men who have them. The most common symptom of testicular
cancer is a painless
mass (lump) in one testicle. Other
symptoms to look for are testicular discomfort, pain or swelling, any change in
size or the usual "feel" of the testicle, a sensation of heaviness in
the scrotum and/or dull aching in the abdomen, back, or groin.
Many men delay seeking medical
attention once they notice something. That’s a shame, since early diagnosis can
lead to a better outcome. Everyone is busy – but anyone can spare a few minutes
for medical care. And please don’t be embarrassed to death.
And there's an app for that!