Monday, September 9, 2013

A Regular Routine

The kids are back to school: time to resume the schedule. While it’s fun to laze about a bit during the summer, we as human beings really do better with a set routine. Just as a two year old is less terrible with a set naptime, adults benefit from eating and sleeping in a predicable pattern.

The time that we awaken sets the biological clock for the day. Getting up at the same time every day allows our hormones to assume a diurnal pattern leading to better mood, digestion and cognition. Since we need at least eight hours of sleep, we should plan on going to bed about eight and a half hours before we plan to start the day. Wind down at the end of the day and turn off all screens.

It is recommended that we don’t eat for at least two hours before going to bed: this will help determine the best time for dinner. Sit down and enjoy the meal. Since the overnight fast will be at least ten hours, chances are that we will be hungry for breakfast. Consider some non-traditional foods to start the day, rather than the carbohydrate heavy regulars. Therefore, awakening the same time every day will help determine what time to eat both breakfast and lunch. Most people will want a meal at midday. Brown-bagging will help make wise choices and save a lot of money.

Exercise should be part of the daily routine. Midday is an excellent time for this since it will help provide energy for the afternoon tasks. Think back to grade school – wasn’t running around after lunch the best part of the school day?

Having a predicable sleep/wake/eating pattern might be mundane, but it really works to maintain health. Try to maintain the pattern on the weekends as well.

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